A Simple Talk About MERN Stack

Hebron Hossain Hamim
2 min readDec 23, 2021
collected from google

Now-a-days the demand for full-stack developers is skyrocketing. Almost every tech company needs full-stack developers. Full-stack developers can build any software solution all alone. A full-stack developer replaces the position of a backend and a front-end developer.

So, what does it needs to become a full-stack developer? A full-stack developer needs to be an expert on both the front-end and backend parts of any application or software. There are several tech Stacks available for full-stack developers. We will discuss them today.

In the world of web programming or web development, JavaScript is the first choice of developers. As JS makes it very easy to make the client-side of any website interactive, so there are several options for a front-end framework. Like React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, etc. But JS is also capable of doing backend tasks. There are several frameworks or options for the backend also like Nodejs, express js, etc. As JS can do both of the tasks, so to developers JS became a very good choice as you can code all in JavaScript. Javascript offers us various stacks: MEVN, MEAN, MERN, etc. Among them, MERN is one of the most popular development stacks.

So, now you can ask what does MERN means?

MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node, after the four key technologies that make up the stack.

  • MongoDB — document database
  • Express(.js) — Node.js web framework
  • React(.js) — a client-side JavaScript framework
  • Node(.js) — the premier JavaScript web server

MongoDB is a NoSQL database used for storing data. It is more convenient to use MongoDB with JavaScript or Nodejs. Express is a popular framework of Nodejs for writing your backend logic or code more conveniently, more easily. Node is the Javascript runtime engine that is used in the backend or server-side to run JavaScript code. React js is used to building client-side. See the image below to gain a better idea of how the MERN stack works.

MongoDB website

Where to use MERN stack?

Like any web stack, you can build whatever you want in MERN — though it’s ideally suited for cases that are JSON-heavy, cloud-native, and that have dynamic web interfaces. A few examples might be: — Workflow management — News aggregation — Todo apps and Calendars — Interactive forums / social products

And whatever else you can dream up!

